Welcome To Quiltville!!
"The Best Things In Life Are Quilted!!"

Bonnie Hunter
136 Teague Ct
Winston Salem, NC 27107
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Real Women Quilt!

Legendary Quilters Inverview!
(wma audio format)

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Bed Quilts

Small Quilts

Quilts for Charity

Quiltville's Miscellany!

My Vintage Machines!

Ponderings by Bonnie

A Quilter's Prayer

The Quilt That Love Built

Quilter's Will & Testament!

Quiltville's Store
Order Scraps & Shirttails

Quiltville's Amazon Store!

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This site and its contents
© 1997-2008
Quiltville Custom Quilting
All Rights Reserved

Ready to Order!!

I am excited to present to you the new "for purchase" Section of the Quiltville website!
Click HERE to order your signed copy of Scraps & Shirttails!

I am shipping orders as fast and as furiously as I can!  Please note that any order placed while I am out of town teaching and giving trunkshows will not be filled until I return home. If you  are wanting to know if I'm gone or home, you can check my calendar!

Our latest Mystery!

Old Tobacco Road!
~A Quiltville Mystery Quilt!!~
© Bonnie K Hunter.

When I moved to Wallburg NC in February 2008, I never knew how fun it was going to be to watch things growing in fields all around me, and how it would connect me to the history of this land. Granted, I wish they would grow anything BUT Tobacco, but since I had never seen it done before, it has been interesting.

I love the old tobacco drying barns that I see everywhere. In NC it seems that old buildings are never taken down, they just stay there until they fall. I would love to do a whole picture portfolio on old farm houses and tumbling down barns.  I just love them! The inspiration for the name of the quilt came from the September 2008 issue of North Carolina's  "Our State" magazine. It's a beautiful magazine with great photography and really interesting articles on the history of tobacco farming. It became the jumping off point for my designing process in this mystery.

Click pic to see large view....look at these COLORS!

Are you ready to come Quilt down Old Tobacco Road with me? Click HERE to get started with fabric requirements! The Mystery begins Labor Day Weekend.....Friday August 29!

Click HERE to get to part 1!  It's up and ready! When you finish with part 1, simply follow the links at the bottom of each page to get to the next part!

**Special Note!!**

You are welcome to make quilts from these patterns for yourself, your family, friends, guild fundraisers and raffles, and most of all, charities! You may make quilts from these patterns to sell for a profit (No mass production though) or to teach a class*.

But please, no photocopying, or reproducing and packaging and marketing the pattern instructions with the intent to make a profit by selling them.  Just because they are free here for your use, doesn't make it legal to use them in that way. 

When in doubt, email me and ask.  Be kind and keep the creative spirit of quilting alive and give credit where credit is due.

*If you are teaching any of these designs as a class, In lieu of having to purchase a pattern, I would love for each of your students to make me a block of whatever quilt you are teaching to be used in charity quilts! They may also include a 4.5" signature square to be included in the back of the quilts. Together we can make a difference!

If you are hosting a swap of blocks from Quiltville, would everyone consider making one extra block and sending them to me with a siggie square? I'd love to know who you are!

(That goes for any of you who find this site valuable as a quilter!  Feel free to make an extra block of whatever you are making! I'll be sure they are made into quilts and given to those in need, No time to make a block? An FQ will do!  :c) 
This is just a suggestion, not mandatory!)

Most of all...HAVE FUN and enjoy the Quilting Journey!

Questions or Comments? I would love to hear from you!!
© Quiltville Custom Quilting 1997-2008 All Rights Reserved.

Free Scrap Quilt Patterns


Boxy Stars

Bricks & Stepping Stones

Cathedral Stars

Chunky Churndashes

Crayon Box

Crumbs, Crumbs Crumbs!

Diamond Strings

Four-Patch & Furrows

Fun With Bricks

Happy Scrappy Houses

Hidden Pinwheels

Hidden Spools

I Spy A Four Patch

Jared Takes A Wife

Maverick Stars

Millennium Pyramids

My Blue Heaven

Nine Patch Split

Ocean Waves

Ohio Stars & Rails

Oklahoma Backroads

Out On A String!

Patches & Pinwheels

Pineapple Blossom

Pioneer Braid Borders

Playing With Jacks

Random Ohio Stars

Road To Camp Gravatt

Scrappy Bargello

Scrappy Mountain Majesties  

Scrappy Trips Around World

Simply Strippy

Sister's Choice

Smokey Mountain Stars


Star Struck

Streak of Sunshine

String Quilting Primer


Strip Twist

Trip Around The World

Weed Whacker!