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Quiltville Custom Quilting

Trunkshow, Lecture & Workshop Comments!

Dear Bonnie,
Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your program at CBQ last night.  I'm the one who asked the question of  batting on the faux trapunto.  I'll have to try that again.  My initial foray turned out so stiff you could make a bullet proof vest out of it.  Fortunately it was small, so it makes a perfect wall hanging.   I also tend to do very tight background quilting - guess I need to lighten up.
Anyway, I was just having fits to get home and get into my scrap bins (two 13 gallon kitchen trash cans, one lights, one darks - both stuffed to overflowing) - but I can't right now because I'm trying to finish the appliqué on a show quilt and then it needs quilting.  AGGHHH!  Still, I have bookmarked your site and when this monster is done I intend to use some of your ideas to reward myself and PLAY!!
Thanks again!
Jo Ann Cooper, Cabin Branch Quilters Guild


Hi Bonnie,

I again just wanted to thank you so much for such a great presentation last night at the Guild.  Your trunk show and all of your ideas are so stimulating.  I just loved your idea of the crumbs and scraps.......now I must...........from this moment on save all the left-overs.  You are truly an artist with such an array of so many mixed colors.......I needed this so much.  Now it is time for me to move out of the box.  Thanks for your inspirations.

Linda Gearhart    - Piedmont Quilters Guild


Thanks for such a great, fun workshop this past Saturday! I enjoyed meeting you and learning the various blocks that we did during the workshop. My love of scrappy quilts grows each year and I just so enjoy learning new techniques, patterns, and ideas for scrap quilts. Your workshop really energized me and my attitude toward my quilting. My mom asked, “oh, you're taking a class instead of teaching one?” I don’t think she completely understands my fabric/sewing/quilting ‘thing’ that I’ve had for years! LOL! Even those of us who teach need inspiration and a good dose of enthusiasm from time to time or we become stale. 

It is just great to see how well you are doing in your quilting career and I look forward to your book publication.

Best regards,
Teresa Rouzer, Burlington, NC

Hi Bonnie,
I again just wanted to thank you so much for such a great presentation last night at the Guild.  Your trunk show and all of your ideas are so stimulating.  I just loved your idea of the crumbs and scraps.......now I must...........from this moment on save all the left-overs.  You are truly an artist with such an array of so many mixed colors.......I needed this so much.  Now it is time for me to move out of the box.  Thanks for your inspirations.

Linda Gearhart    - Piedmont Quilters Guild

Hi Bonnie,

In the month of April you attended our Guild meeting in Mt Airy, MD and talked about scrap quilting.  Well I have to tell you that you really inspired me!  I have just found the wonderful world of quilting and I am loving every minute. Your talk got me to thinking that I could save my scraps, cut them up and use the to make other quilt, but what got me the most was your story of going to the thrift shop, finding a men’s 100% cotton shirt and cutting it up to make your quilts.

 Like I said, I have just recently started quilting so I didn’t have much in the way of scraps.  Well while I was out of town last weekend I ran across a rummage sale at one of the local churches.  I had just asked my son if he liked a pattern I found in a magazine to make his quilt. He said he would like it and I told him it would be while before I finished it because of my lack of scraps.   I went to the rummage sale and boy did I hit pay dirt!!  I walked in the door and there was a table FULL of men’s shirts.  I started picking through the shirts and found 15 shirts to make his quilt and they only cost $10.50 (75 cent a piece).  I was so excited.  Needless to say I have started to cut out the shirts for the quilt and will have leftovers for another one or a scrappy quilt.  It amazes me how quickly the scraps pile up just from the few quilts I had made already.  I’m well on me way to getting a stash. 

Thanks so much for coming to our meeting and telling us about your scrap system.  I’m hooked forever and am saving every little piece of material.  

Yours in Quilting,

Vicki Ellison

I am still excited from all we learned in your wonderful lecture and workshop for our guild.  You did an outstanding job and made Ellen and me look like we were so smart from choosing you. (Actually, Sandy Smith had suggested your name to us.) Thank you for your fun spirit, your information packed teaching, your empowering no-rules liberation, and your great attitude.  Everyone is raving about how great it was. 

I also enjoyed so much having you in our home and getting to spend a bit of extra "down time" hanging out with you.  What a treat!

My 9 blocks and four letters are up on my design wall and I'm thinking I need to buy a little cheddar colored fabric for a border and...


Bonnie, thank you so much for honoring us with your presence on Saturday, May 17, 2008 at our annual retreat.
We all had a terrific time, and when we cleaned up Sunday getting ready to go home, everyone was asking us to book you again next year.  I think everyone loved putting that Pineapple Blossom together, and the different looks we got was great.  I had one lady tell me that it was the highlight of her four days.  I think we all felt that way. 
Thanks again for a wonderful day, and for all your wonderful insight into quilting.  I have been working on mine trying to get it finished so I can show it at the next guild meeting in June.
We will get back to you as soon as we can about having you back soon.  I must agree with all the wonderful comments I have read on your website.  I too would drive 500 miles to take a workshop with you. 
P.S.  I am plugging along on the Orange Crush mystery too.  It has been a good experience for me in color.  That is one of my weaknesses, just one of many.
It was so great meeing you.  Martha and I think we made a good choice when we picked you.  As Dennis the Menace says, it was a pretty good job....and that is putting it mildly.
Always quilting friends,
Gayle Duncan and Martha McKie.

Bonnie - your program and your quilts were wonderful! And my guild thinks I'm a genius for getting you to replace Pepper Cory. So thank you thank you thank you!

Hate to hear you are leaving SC but great news about good job and benefits for DH and Winston-Salem isn't that far away.

Karen K, Charleston SC

Thank You so much for your OUTSTANDING presentation last night at the Cobblesone Quilters Guild Meeting.  You are a "MUST Have Guest Speaker" for ALL Guilds!!!!  You truly speak from the heart and it conveys your enthusiasm and talent so effectively that we can "feel it" sitting there in the audience!

 What an inspiration and we all "identified" with what you were saying - shop less/sew more, use each and every piece/it has its own place, organize/be ready, utilize your time/sew a second quilt as you sew on one, etc.  And Thank You for all the patterns, tips, etc. that are on your website.

Best Regards, Margo O'Brien
Charleston, SC

I also want to thank you for an awesome lecture, a wonderful class and an excellent adventure!   It was definitely a gift to find that one of your internet heroes is as fantastic in real life as they are online!  I will treasure our time together, and am looking forward to seeing you again!

Amy L, Falls Church VA

Women from Pax River MD plus me had a GREAT time with Bonnie Hunter at her StarStruck workshop today. Bonnie led us through a very helpful test of our machine's 1/4" ... I think a few of us learned that our 1/4" wasn't really 1/4"!!

Then we chain pieced and cut and sewed more and pressed and PRESTO, we all had gorgeous quarter or
full starstruck blocks. A couple of people made xmas blocks. One was patriotic. Some were in purples, some
in bright bold colors, some in autumn colors. They were all so pretty.

Everyone but me made everything from their stashes - Bravo Ladies! Way to go! One woman sewed her way through her oldest and most loathed fabric - Hooray! Get it out of the stash!

Tomorrow's workshop on the Pineapple Blossom pattern looks to be another wonderful day with Bonnie.

If you're within 500 miles, I highly recommend you get her to come to your guild!!! She's great! And it wasterrific meeting so many Stashbusters!

Kathy in MD

Hi All,

I want to ditto the part about if you live within 500 miles of Columbia SC, have Bonnie for a class and a lecture.

I was fortunate enough to attend both classes. I totally had too much fun. When we had Guild last night, Kathie showed up with her "stars" quilt top all put together. It was gorgeous. She did red, green, and gold Christmas fabrics. Just stunning.

Pam's starstruck was all scrappy. She and I just finished 4 blocks to show the pattern. We both attended the Pineapple Blossom on Sunday as well. She did hers all in Turquoise and White. Wow, is it stunning! Again, everyone who attended the classes did a different look and they all are just fantastic.

The icing on the cake was Bonnie's lecture and trunk show. What an inspiration. I think there were many converts to scrap quilting.

Thanks Bonnie, come back again, anytime!
Cindy N
So. MD.

It was totally fun, eight uninterruped hours to sew! So interesting to see how one quilt pattern is going to look so different in each different quilts. I sewed a few more blocks when I got home and then just pooped out.

I am proud that so far at least my quilt is totally from stash. I am hoping that I will find appropriate borders from my stash also.

It was too funny, it was a class of about 15 people and 5 of us were named Kathy!!

Kathie L.
Southern Maryland

Bonnie is a really nice person, a great inspiration and a really great teacher. She's very patient. Her style of quilt making really suits me, I am a scrapper and have enough stash to keep me busy for a long time.

 I'm not officially no buy, but I've been restraining myself lately - only purchasing fabric to complete a project. Today was my first attempt at one of Bonnie's quilts but certainly won't be the last. I think I got carried away when I was cutting my strips, I may end up with a quilt big enough to cover all of St. Mary's County. Or nap quilts for everyone in my family. And their dogs.

Tomorrow should be fun also. I'm doing a variety of turquoises for my Pineapple Blossom.

Pamela in SO MD

Hi Bonnie,

 I just wanted to send you a short note to tell you what a wonderful time I had at the two workshops you taught at the Pax River Quilt Guild.  I will finish my quilts, I love them.  Your lecture was great and now I am inspired to go cut my fabric into the right size pieces and get those 10.5 “ squares cut for backings.  

Thank you so much and I hope we get to see you again.  We are already talking about the letter block workshop. 

Miriam Boles
I took Bonnie's star struck workshop on saturday and love the block so much I sewed more saturday night and then again yesterday and got the whole lap quilt top (minus borders) done!! I did it all in red and green Christmas fabrics and love the look. I am definitely going to have to do this quilt again.

Kathie L.
Southern Maryland

Our Guild was so blessed having Bonnie for workshops all day Saturday and Sunday.  We did Star Struck and Pineapple Blossom.  Then Monday evening she spoke at Guild on her scrap organization system.  She shared a huge table of scrap quilts, many done with repro fabrics.  For an hour we oohed, aahed and hung on her every word.   Bonnie is also a licensed  massage therapist and wow, she gives the best shoulder, back  massage.  

I really can't say enough about what a relaxing, fun, learning time we all had.  Bonnie is so much fun!  Check out her blog spot: If you scroll down  to August 15, you'll see some pictures and what she wrote about her visit to Maryland.  About a minute after the picture of Bonnie and me was taken, she turned to me and said, "I think you have spinach between your two front teeth!", and sure enough.  I did!! 

Keep taking stitches, everyone,
Kathy in Maryland


Questions or Comments? I would love to hear from you!!
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