Quilt Mavericks!!

Quilt Mavericks

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~Blog Ring~
*Ring Membership By Invitation Only*

Definition: Mav·er·ick   (mvr-k, mvrk)
n. One that refuses to abide by the dictates of or resists adherence to a group; a dissenter.
adj. Being independent in thought and action or exhibiting such independence:
 maverick politicians; a maverick decision; Maverick Quilters!

This blog ring is for Quilters who work in a maverick, liberated, primative, folk-arty and/or improvisational style; not totally arty but not following the "rules" of traditional quilting either!

Quilt Mavericks is searching for those Quilters who like to color outside of the lines.....but still make "real" quilts, (quilts that are still recognizable as quilts!!) and not just wild art. We are the "in the middle" quilters who don't fit into just one category or the other.

We are Quilters-Gone-Maverick but we are *NOT* necessarily Art Quilters.
So what really IS a Maverick Quilter, and what makes a Quilt Maverick?

Check out the following quilts and see if you can identify what makes them Maverick!
This is just a small sampling of quilts with Maverick features. There are so many more. Chances are if you can list the name of the commercial pattern you are using, along with the name of the pattern designer and list the fabric manufacturer and fabric designer and the complete line of the fabrics used, (ie: made completely out of Robyn Pandolph fabrics, using only thimbleberries, or only Aunt Gracie's) making the quilt 'exactly like the one in the book' down to the last isn't Maverick! Maverick is more about making quilts out of your own head....even if it uses recognizable traditional blocks, you are combining them in a way that is YOURS.  Of course, all of our inspiration comes from SOMEWHERE, but it is more about going in our own direction and combining elements that make the quilt "Uniquely Yours."

Links to Maverick Quilters & Quilts:
If Art Quilting (postcards, contemporary abstract fiber wall art, still life, atc's, "the artist's way", beaded purses, etc..) are your thing, you might be better served through other blog rings like 'Artful Quilters' or 'Bloggers Who Embellish'

If you are a Traditional Quilter who likes to color INSIDE the lines and want to focus on reducing your stash,
there is a great ring for you at 'Stash Quilts'

If you don't consider yourself an art quilter, yet don't consider yourself compltely traditional, and find rules are made for breaking, you may submit your blog site for consideration by email
Please include a brief description of what makes your quilts "Maverick".

If you don't currently have a blog, click the button!

You will need to maintain your blog and post pictures for 2 months before you can submit your site for consideration.

Quilt Mavericks Membership Guidelines:

You must have a blog primarily focusing on your quilt making, with an emphasis on liberated, improvisational, primative,folk-arty, scrappy and/or maverick quilts.
 Your blog should be updated 3-4 times a month on average. Blogs will be removed from the ring if they go inactive.

 You must have at maintained your blog for 2 months before you may submit your site for consideration, most of which must focus on your maverick quilts. Pictures are worth 1000 words! We'd love to see what you are working on! WE WANT PICTURES!

Please feel free to browse through the Quilt Mavericks ring and get to know us. Leave comments to our members, see what we are working on. Get a feel for who we are and what we do and what makes us "Maverick"!