Custom Quilting
Playing With

love to play with simple blocks! The asymetrical 9 patch layout of this
easy block gives plenty of opportunity for playing with various layouts!
This little block is known by
many Names! Jacks On Six, Double X,
Maid's Puzzle, Cat's Cradle, and Three And Six just to name a few!
I started this quilt out with the intent to make it bed sized (why do I
always think big?!) but it got way laid some how and sat idle while I
worked on other projects. One day I came across them and decided
lay out just as many as there were, and it did come out in an uneven
layout which I really like! I think our minds always see things
in an
even symetrical way, but it is fun to challenge the brain a bit by NOT
having the layout end up even all the way around.
For this same reason I love antique quilts that end with a row of half
blocks because that was the size needed to cover the bed, no more no
less :c)
The Jacks On Six block finishes at 6" square. Make as many as you
to make the quilt the size you want it to be, even or uneven layout as
you wish! This method cuts all the pieces needed from scrap 2.5" strips.
For each block you will need:
(1) 2.5" X11" strip shirting or light print
(1) 2.5" X 11" strip red (or other dark) print
(3) 2.5" contrasting squares. Mine were all black or gray, but you can
choose your own color scheme!
is the Easy Angle 6. I use this to cut 1/2 sq triangles from strips
without having to add that 7/8" to the finished size! You just add 1/2"
to the finished size to cut your strip, and the rest of the math is
added in for you on the angled side. Cut matched sets with your strips
right sides together and you are ready to just feed the 1/2 sq triangle
pairs through your machine. This works GREAT with my scrap strips,
because I don't have that 7/8" to worry about. It works with the sizes
of strips I have already cut.
And for fun...I love to look at vintage quilts for inspiration.
Here are a couple of finds!

Ebay find! I found this "cutter" piece on Ebay and salvaged it by
adding a binding all the way around. I'm using it as a table topper. I
love the indigoes, burgundy resists and mourning gray/blacks in it! And
that gold/cheddar zigzag setting..WOW! This block has 4 solid corners
instead of 2 half square triangles and 2 solids.

This antique doll quilt was made with the Jacks On Six block using
only two fabrics, and put on point in an original setting!

These vintage blocks were a fun ebay find! See how
different the blocks look just by changing the color placement!
you make this quilt, I'd love to display a picture of it here to
share with other quilters! Just drop me an email, I'd love to hear from

or Comments? I would love to hear from you!! Bonnie@Quiltville.com
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