Lay out the pieces as shown in the pic above left. On the roof
rectangle, place your two background squares right sides together with
the rectangle. In the second picture you can see that I have drawn
diagonal lines across the squares. It is important that you have one
uphill diagonal line and one downhill diagonal line so the angles on
your roof will turn out right!

When sewing these squares onto the roof rectangle, I start with one
side, and trying to make the stitching of the block as continuous as
possible (you can see behind the presser foot in the first picture that
I have already sewn some of the other house sections together as well)
I bend up the bottom end of the rectangle to continue sewing onto the
second background square without clipping threads.

Clip off the "dog ear" corners, and press the background triangles out
from the roof piece.
The block is assembled in rows across. Use the pic below to show you
how to assemble the sections.

Here is the block assembled into sections. Sew the sections across in
rows! One house done!
I had alot of fun making these houses. I made 42 houses and set them 6
X 7.
Adding the "topsy-turvy triangles"
For topsy-turvy triangles for ONE house block cut:
2 rectangles 2.5" X 11".
This is the tricky part. The houses go "up hill" or "down hill" Depending
on how you make your diagonal cut. You need to remember
which is which.
First, place rectangles
both right side up on top of each
other. For "up hill" houses you want to place your ruler so that it
runs DOWN HILL from upper left to lower right across your two
rectangles. Use your rotory cutter to slice from lower right to upper
left, corner to corner, through the rectangles.
Up hill
Down Hill Cut
For "down hill" houses, it's
going to be the opposite. Still place both
of your rectangles right side up on top of each other. Place your ruler
the opposite way, from lower left, to upper right....your ruler is
going "up hill" but the triangles will turn your houses opposite,
it will be going down hill by the time you sew the triangles to the
For demo purposes, since my
quilt top is already together and I don't
want to make another house, I am going to use a different orphan block
of the same size to sew the triangles to, but the method is still the

The first pic shows how the
triangles are sewn around the block. Notice
how the straight grain of fabric is against the block and the 'not
quite bias' is on the outside edge. I sew the two side triangles on to
the block first. With right sides together, you can line the square
corner of the triangle with the corner of the block.

Before you get to the bottom
of the block, snip off the excess long
skinny triangle tip with the scissors. Repeat for other side. Press
triangles away from block. Rotate block and sew on the two remaining
triangles in the same way. You will notice that all the triangles go
around the block pointing in the same direction. The block is now an
"up hill" block! When you sew the opposite triangles on a block to
create a down hill block, the triangles will point in the opposite
direction than they do above. Just remember to keep the straight grain
of the triangles against the block edge.

After the last two triangles
are sewn on, you will see that the corners
go off at odd angles! The block needs to be squared up. Using a large
square ruler (I use a 12.5" ruler) Trim the right side and upper edge
of the block, placing the 1/4" line on both sides up against the
corners of the inset block. Trim side and top. Rotate block...find the
9.5" markings on the ruler and trim the block to 9.5" square. You might
need to fudge a bit here and there to keep that inset block centered.
You will find what works best for you and your ruler.
This was a lesson in trial and error for me!
The first
time I
tried this, I cut the rectangles too short, so had to unsew them to try
again. *NOTE* These blocks square up to 9.5" unfinished, with the
corner of the house blocks being only 1/4" from the edge of the block.
When the black sashings are sewn on, they take up that 1/4" so that the
corners of the house block are up against the sashing. If you want to
make your houses float farther into the center of the block, You need
to start with a WIDER rectangle, say 3.5" to 4" instead of the 2.5"
size that I used. Experiment with it, see what works for you. These are
just the directions for the house blocks as I did them. :c)
At the bottom of the page is
a list of gallery pics that people have sent in. Check out Lynn D's.
She said that she cut her topsy turvy triangles 3"X12" and that gave
her a bit more room. She squared her blocks up to 10", so that is an
idea for anyone wanting to set them block to block without sashings.
After topsy-turvying all the blocks, I laid them out on the floor.
Oscar thought this was the perfect place to take an afternoon cat nap!

I liked the blocks laid
without sashings, but I didn't leave enough
floating space from squaring up the blocks to put them next to
each other. Next time I will twist and turn them with deeper triangles
so that when I square them up there will be more than 1/4" from the
edge of the center block.
So I decided to sash
them instead. I found the black-on-black
checked sashing
fabric at Joann's on 4th of July and it was 30% off and worked perfect.
blue cornerstones came from my stash, as did the yellow inner border.
The outter border is a black/blue check with stars on it..daisy
kingdom! I thought it was pretty horrid when I bought it, but walmart
was closing it out at $1.00 a yard. I was using it on the back of
neonatal intensive care quilts...They wanted dark backs to make the
incubators darker when they covered them with the baby quilts. Long
story short...I never thought this fabric would be perfect to show on
the FRONT of anything! *LOL* Who knows when this will get quilted, but
I'm thinking of what kind of quilting to do on it...

Close up of borders showing sashing, cornerstone and border fabrics to
complete top.
Sashings are cut 2.5" X 9.5"
Cornerstones are cut 2.5" square.
Yellow border is cut 1.5" wide.
Blue checked star border is cut 5" wide.
Quilting Detail!

I machine quilted this quilt in continuous baptist fans using varigated

Oscar definately approves!